Healthy Living with Chronic Conditions
Techniques to deal with chronic condition symptoms, such as fatigue, pain, sleeplessness, stress, frustration and depression
Techniques to deal with chronic condition symptoms, such as fatigue, pain, sleeplessness, stress, frustration and depression
ALTCS WorkshopThe ALTCS (Arizona Long Term Care System) Workshop is designed for individuals and family caregivers in the community to learn more about Arizona’s long term care Medicaid program. Long term care is expensive. Many cannot afford it. The ALTCS program enables people who need help with their personal care needs to continue living independently […]
Are you overwhelmed by caregiving challenges? You could benefit from the support of people who can relate to your experiences.Support groups provide safe, welcoming, and confidential settings for you to share your experiences and emotions, as well as your questions and wisdom. You can learn and practice ways to manage stress as you connect with […]
First Aid & CPR Training and Certification
A support group specific to care partners of those living with dementia.
Preparativos Hechos en VidaComenzando con eso que hace que la vida valga la pena para usted, esta presentación completamente en ESPANOL, explora los valores de la vida y la muerte, analiza las opciones disponibles para el cuidado al final de la vida, examina documentos importantes y recomienda estrategias para hablar sobre sus deseos, así como, […]
Techniques to deal with chronic condition symptoms, such as fatigue, pain, sleeplessness, stress, frustration and depression
A Matter of Balance is an evidence-based program for older adults who have fallen, have a risk of falling and/or fear of falling.Session runs every Monday and Wednesday, 2:00-4:00 PM, February 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26.The A Matter of Balance program is an evidenced based program designed to manage falls and increase […]
First Aid & CPR Training and Certification
A Matter of Balance is an evidence-based program for older adults who have fallen, have a risk of falling and/or fear of falling.Session runs every Tuesday and Friday, 11:00am-1:00 PM, February 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28The A Matter of Balance program is an evidenced based program designed to manage falls and increase […]
Be a part of making Pima County a dementia-friendly community!
Successfully completing our State-Approved Training and Testing Program qualifies you to become a DCW in as little as three days!A Direct Care Worker (DCW) provides non-medical services such as personal care (hygiene, grooming and helping with elimination needs), light housekeeping, nutrition assistance, and physical support and assistance as necessary.The Direct Care Worker class includes classroom […]