Caregiving Essentials: First Steps Training
PCOA Katie Dusenberry Healthy Aging Center 600 South Country Club Road, Tucson, AZ, United StatesCaregiving Essentials: First Steps (Part #1 Steps to Resilience; Part #2 Physical Care & Safety)
Caregiving Essentials: First Steps (Part #1 Steps to Resilience; Part #2 Physical Care & Safety)
Americans With Disabilities Act - 504 Rehabilitations Act ADA NoticeIt is the policy of Pima Council on Aging not to discriminate based on disability in admission to, access to, or […]
Learn more about the brain changes that occur with dementia.
First Aid & CPR Training and Certification
A support group specific to care partners of those living with dementia.
You're Dead, Now What? Exploring Body Disposition Options (Remote)Body disposition is choosing what happens to your body after death. This presentation explores burial, cremation, “green” options, and organ and body […]
A safe and welcoming place where people living with memory loss and their care partners can socialize and participate in activities together
Understanding Medicare (In-Person Attendance) @ Murphy-Wilmot
Focuses on behavioral interventions and caregiving strategies
First Aid & CPR Training and Certification
Personal Budgeting Assistance (PBA) Volunteer Information SessionPersonal Budgeting Assistance (PBA) PBA volunteers help prolong independent living in the community for older adults who have difficulty managing their financial affairs. They […]
Preparativos Hechos en VidaComenzando con eso que hace que la vida valga la pena para usted, esta presentación completamente en ESPANOL, explora los valores de la vida y la muerte, […]