First Aid/CPR Training- Lupu
Pima Council On Aging 8467 East Broadway Boulevard, Tucson, AZ, United StatesFirst Aid & CPR Training and Certification
First Aid & CPR Training and Certification
ALTCS WorkshopTopic: ALTCS Workshop - Date: July 13, 2023 - Time: 02:30 PM ArizonaJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 897 2167 3847Passcode: 700090Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 USFind your local number:
Caregiving Essentials: First Steps (Part #1 Steps to Resilience; Part #2 Physical Care & Safety)
Take a look at what dementia is, causes and risk factors, common signs, common types, and how Dementia Capable Southern Arizona can help.
Become a Dementia Friend in your community!
Let's Talk About Living... and Dying"Let's Talk About Living... and Dying" is an interactive and informative training that will help you to:-Understand end of life care planning-Make informed healthcare decisions-Select and complete the advance directives that meet your needs-Pick the person who will advocate for your health care wishes, and develop strategies for completing, storing, […]
A support group specific to care partners of those living with dementia.
A safe and welcoming place where people living with memory loss and their care partners can socialize and participate in activities together
Understanding Medicare (In-Person Attendance) @ Murphy-Wilmot
Preparativos Hechos en VidaComenzando con eso que hace que la vida valga la pena para usted, esta presentación completamente en ESPANOL, explora los valores de la vida y la muerte, analiza las opciones disponibles para el cuidado al final de la vida, examina documentos importantes y recomienda estrategias para hablar sobre sus deseos, así como, […]
First Aid & CPR Training and Certification
Clements - August 2023 - EnhanceFitnessMonday, Wednesdays and Fridays, August 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30 from 8:30 - 9:30 am Exercises are done seated and standing.EnhanceFitness® is developed specifically for older adults, with exercises focusing on four key areas important to your health and fitness: stretching and […]