Understanding Medicare (Virtual via Zoom)
Understanding Medicare (Virtual via Zoom )
Understanding Medicare (Virtual via Zoom )
Understanding Medicare (In-Person Attendance PCOA Katie Dusenberry Center)
ALTCS WorkshopTopic: ALTCS Workshop - Date: March 9, 2023 - Time: 02:30 PM ArizonaJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://bit.ly/PCOAALTCS23Meeting ID: 897 2167 3847Passcode: 700090Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 USFind your local number: https://pcoa-org.zoom.us/u/kdvW7N2Kb9
Become a Dementia Friend in your community! In this training you will: -get a general understanding of what dementia is -learn the most common type of dementia -focus on adopting a mindset to create a dementia-friendly community -understand five key messages about dementia -learn tips for communicating with people with dementia -choose an action step […]
First Aid & CPR Training and Certification
First Aid & CPR Training and Certification
How to Start a Neighbors Care Program (NCP)
Let's Talk About Living... and Dying"Let's Talk About Living... and Dying" is an interactive and informative training that will help you to:-Understand end of life care planning-Make informed healthcare decisions-Select and complete the advance directives that meet your needs-Pick the person who will advocate for your health care wishes, and develop strategies for completing, storing, […]
A safe and welcoming place where people living with memory loss and their care partners can socialize and participate in activities togetherMemory cafes provide those dealing with cognitive decline and their friends, families, and caregivers a welcoming, relaxed, and non-judgmental environment where they can take part in engaging experiences designed with them in mind. Be […]
Understanding Medicare (In-Person Attendance) @ Murphy-Wilmot
A support group specific to care partners of those living with dementia.
Preparativos Hechos en VidaComenzando con eso, que, para usted, hace que la vida valga la pena, esta presentación en español explora los valores de la vida y la muerte, analiza las opciones disponibles para el cuidado al final de la vida, examina documentos importantes y recomienda estrategias para hablar sobre sus deseos, así como, completar […]